The beginning...

It all started during a trip to Malaysia in 2006, visiting family I hadn’t seen in years. Little did I know I would discover a recipe that had been in my family for decades.

Many of my family members are vegetarian Buddhists, and they shared with me lots of vegetarian dishes. Many included mushrooms - which not only tasted great, they were also satisfying and healthy. 

When I tried this particular snack made of shiitake mushrooms, I knew I had something to share with the world.

Traveling to Malaysia was a wonderful opportunity to discover my family's history and traditions, which of course includes food. 

This opened my eyes to an incredible culture in Southeast Asia that has been using innovative ingredients and cooking techniques to create satisfying and delicious foods.

From Malaysia to

the Pacific Northwest

Back home, while working full time as an engineer, my enthusiasm for developing the product never waned. 

For months I developed, tested, and iterated on my family recipe from my kitchen in the Pacific Northwest.

In 2018, I officially launched Pan's Mushroom Jerky in four delicious flavors, all inspired by my family's original recipe. 

Introducing Pan's

Today, Pan's Mushroom Jerky is produced in Portland, Oregon and is available in over 2,500 stores in the United States. 

We are so grateful for all of the support we've received, and we hope you fall in love with this tasty snack just as I did!

From my family to yours, 

Michael Pan & The Pan Family